The Launching Ceremony of Qingdao Science and Technology Week 2023 Was Successfully Held at Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation ResearchThe Launching Ceremony of Qingdao Science and Technology Week 2023 Was Successfully Held at Tsing


On May 20, the launching ceremony of Qingdao Science and Technology Week 2023 with the theme of "Love Science, Advocate Science" was held at Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research in Qingdao West Coast New Area. The event was sponsored by Qingdao Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, the Publicity Department of the CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee, Qingdao Association for Science and Technology, the Management Committee of Qingdao West Coast New Area, co-sponsored by Qingdao Haifa State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd., and organized by the Industry and Information Technology Bureau (Science and Technology Bureau, and Big Data Bureau) of Qingdao West Coast New Area, the Publicity Department of the Party Working Committee of Qingdao West Coast New Area, the Science and Technology Association of Qingdao West Coast New Area, and Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research.


WANG Bo, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee and Deputy Mayor of Qingdao, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Participants of the ceremony included WEI Shijie, one of the "Two Bombs and One Satellite" scientists and a winner of National Excellent Popular Science Works Award, CHEN Wansheng, Deputy Secretary-General of Qingdao Municipal People's Government, ZHU Tieyi, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Qingdao Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, LIU Luqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Haifa State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd., XU Jianmin, First-tier Consultant of the Publicity Department of the CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee, LIU Hongying, a member of the Leading Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Qingdao Association for Science and Technology, XIE Longmu, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Qingdao West Coast New Area, SUI Junchang, Director of the Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Qingdao West Coast New Area, ZHAO Chao, Vice President of the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, and Deputy Dean of Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research, WANG Jiansong, professor of the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, and Executive Vice President of Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research, and LIU Weidong, Secretary of Party Branch and Assistant to the Dean of Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research. Other participants of the ceremony and visitors to the exhibition included leaders from the Publicity Department of the Party Working Committee of Qingdao West Coast New Area and the Association for Science and Technology of Qingdao West Coast New Area, leaders from the science and technology authorities of different districts, cities and functional areas, leaders from some universities and research institutes in Qingdao, students, media, and citizen representatives.


At the launching ceremony, Deputy Mayor WANG Bo expressed his warm congratulations on the Qingdao Science and Technology Week 2023 on behalf of the CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee and the Qingdao Municipal People's Government, and he gave an overall review of the vigorous development of science popularization and fruitful achievements in technological innovation in Qingdao under the leadership of the CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee and the Qingdao Municipal People's Government since the "14th Five-Year Plan". He emphasized that Qingdao will closely follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, strengthen its vision of building an international innovative city, promote the coordinated development of scientific and technological innovation and popularization of science, and provide scientific and technological support and strength for the construction of a socialist modern international metropolis in the new era.


Deputy Mayor WANG Bo then awarded plaques to Qingdao Guzhenkou Military-civilian Integration Theme Park and Shandong Port Qingdao Port Automation Wharf Science and Technology Innovation Base, which were selected as the first batch of Scientific Spirit Theme Practice and Teaching Base.


At the launching ceremony, Mr. WEI Shijie, one of the "Two Bombs and One Satellite" scientists, a writer of popular science, and winner of National Excellent Popular Science Works Award, donated books to the student representatives, encouraging them with remarks that "Young students need to have a scientific spirit".


High-quality development is inseparable from the support of scientific and technological innovation, while a high-level scientific and technological R&D platform is the starting point for scientific and technological innovation breakthroughs. At the launching ceremony, SUI Junchang, Director of the Industry and Information Technology Bureau (Science and Technology Bureau, and Big Data Bureau) of Qingdao West Coast New Area, WANG Jiansong, professor of the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University and Executive Vice President of Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research, LI Changhe, a foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering, and WAND Guang, Chairman of Guohua (Qingdao) Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., jointly unveiled the plaque of "Academy of Guohua Intelligent Precision Drive Control Technology".


In order to give full play to the advantages of Tsinghua University's comprehensive disciplines and the industrial advantages and international platform resource advantages of Qingdao, initiated by Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research, colleges and universities in Qingdao, main enterprises of key industrial chains, and research institutes in Qingdao were convened to officially establish the Design + Technology + Industrial Innovation Alliance in Qingdao. The plaque was jointly unveiled by ZHU Tieyi, Secretary of the Leading Party Group and Director of the Qingdao Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, and ZHAO Chao, Deputy Director of the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University and Deputy Director of Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research.


Mr. WEI Shijie, Deputy Mayor Wang Bo, and relevant leaders from municipal and district government departments, enterprises, and scientific research institutes jointly turned on the LCD and announced the launch of Qingdao Science and Technology Week 2023.

Multiple Exhibitions Themed with "Technology" and "Art" Opened Simultaneously, Conveying the Connotation of a New Future with the Integration of Science and Art

As the main venue of Qingdao Science and Technology Week this year, Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research also opened multiple display and interaction areas, such as the "Art-Science Integration Achievement Display Area", "Science and Technology Achievements and Popular Science Display Area", and "Science and Technology Interaction Area" with a grand scale and a impacting technological and artistic atmosphere, providing unprecedented new experiences to the public. The indoor themed exhibition area interacts precisely with the outdoor interactive exhibition area, displaying themes such as "intelligent manufacturing, high-end equipment, marine technology, aerospace, integration of arts and sciences, and popular science experience", which attracted more than 70 exhibitors from across the city who brought hundreds of exhibits of scientific and technological innovation. The rich and colorful exhibits and the interactive experience of future scenes attracted a large number of citizens, teachers and students on the first day.


In the Art-Science Integration Achievement Display Area, Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research opens to the public a number of themed exhibitions that emphasize the integration and innovation of art and science, such as the International Art Works Exhibition themed on "Where Art Meets Science · A Better Future is Created", and the Theme Exhibition on Health, Well-being and Senior-friendly Design, which fully demonstrated Tsinghua University's forward-looking exploration and vision in the scientific and technological innovation and the integration of production and education in the past years.


In the Science and Technology Achievements and Popular Science Display Area, more than 70 exhibitors presented hundreds of exhibits around three relatively independent but closely related themes of "mountain", "sea" and "sky", collectively displaying the outstanding scientific and technological achievements in various industrial sectors of Qingdao in the "14th Five-Year Plan", as well as the innovative achievements of the "main enterprises" of Qingdao's key industrial chains, universities, scientific research institutes, and popular science institutions. A large number of science and technology enthusiasts from all walks of life in the city shared this gala of technological innovation, learned about Qingdao's latest scientific and technological achievements at close range, and experienced various interactive technological innovation products on the spot.


At the exhibition, Qingdao Guoxin Blue Silicon Valley Development Co., Ltd. displayed the model of the world's first 100,000-ton cruising smart fishery large-scale farming ship, "Guoxin No. 1", which pioneered the "deep sea industrialized cabin breeding model" to build a "blue granary". Offshore Oil Engineering (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. displayed the Penguin FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading Unit) model, the prototype of which has achieved a major breakthrough in the investment and use of FPSO made in China, marking a milestone for leap of China's offshore engineering equipment manufacturing industry from middle- and low-level offshore products construction to high-end product construction. Qingdao University demonstrated wearable smart interactive clothing, and its powerful functions in virtual reality, rehabilitation applications, medical testing and other scenarios attracted the audience for long observation. Aishan Observatory of Qingdao showed the audience a scaled-down engineering model of the Chinese space station, Martian meteorites, lunar meteorites, Vesta meteorites, microscopes, chromospheric telescopes, etc., which stimulated children's scientific interest for personal operation.


In the Science and Technology Interaction Area, the drone interaction of high scientific and technological elements attracted the long attention of the audience. The Advanced Manufacturing and Design Prototype Laboratory, Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research also provided the public with professional technology interaction with focus on technological R&D, medical biology, film and television prop design and other fields to popularize the research process of transforming scientific and innovative concepts into actual products to the public, so that the general public can experience the great transformation from "made in China" to "intelligent manufacturing" in China at close range.


In recent years, Qingdao has continuously strengthened the publicity of science popularization, built its ability of science popularization services, improved the scientific awareness of the citizens, and helped promote innovation and development. The Qingdao Science and Technology Week served both as a display of achievements and a comprehensive science popularization based on the platform of science and technology innovation resources in Qingdao. Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research resolutely implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on "accelerating the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement". It will take this Science and Technology Week as an opportunity to give full play to Tsinghua University's advantages in scientific research and talents in all disciplines, strive to lead industrial upgrading with focus on scientific and technological innovation research, build an independent international-class innovation system, and make its contribution to the construction of Qingdao into a socialist modern international metropolis.

The successful Science and Technology Week is ascribed to the dedication and hard work of all the staff of Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research, and fully embodies their team spirit of unity and cooperation and excellent execution ability. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all with a quiet contribution to this event. Your efforts bring us a very colorful and wonderful experience in May.